崩塌記憶之宮 Memory Palace in Ruins

關於歷史記憶如何殘留在我們的當代生活之中?...物質化的記憶。如同我們複雜混亂的當代生活,展覽呈現的作品都有些時空錯置的味道,並透露著我們除了是歷史的產物,也是各種文化教養覆寫下的羊皮紙,不斷在吞吐過去的煙霧中自我想像...by 策展人:游崴

This exhibition explores the enduring presence of historical memories in our contemporary lives. Two main aspects at the core of this discussion involve the textualization of histories and the materialization of memories. Much like our complex, chaotic contemporary lives, the works showcased in this exhibition exude a sense of anachronism. They imply that not only are we the products of history, but we also resemble parchments enriched with cultural and nurturing influences as we continuously envision ourselves amidst the living breaths of history....by Curator: Wei Yu
藝術家雜誌提供 Courtesy of artist-magazine
Courtesy of ARTouch.com

非池中藝術網提供 Courtesy of ART EMPEROR

關於展覽  官方網站 

About Exhibition Official Website

Courtesy of Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab.

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