掉漆溫室 Lak Tshat Greenhouse
misting system, greenhouse frame, plastic sheet
The phenomenon of “Lak Tshat” (or literally “peeling paint” in Taiwanese) that occurs naturally is examined from a materials science perspective, adapting the method of salt spray test used in industrial weatherproof testing. A greenhouse is constructed using gardening tools and supplies, where “Rust Lingzhi” (Lingzhi, Ganoderma lucidum, also known as reishi, is a polypore fungus) is artificially cultivated. How the patterns on exhausted materials can be “bestowed” with meaning is explored, reflecting on the kind of hesitation that one may have in instances such as tossing away a protective phone case after it has been used for a long time. While testing the composite materials on manufactured protective products, the formation of vivid patterns of rust is also accelerated at the same time. The contradiction and paradox observed between the two reflect the shifting sentiments that sway between compromise and giving up when confronted with memories connected to imprints and marks.
科學與創意協作:宋佳芸 Creative&Scientific Collaborator - SONG Chia Yun
.掉漆溫室 - 現地製作 Lak Tshat Greenhouse - Site-Specific
misting system, painted steel piece, iron plate, peeling paint sheet
A misting system is installed according to the exhibition space, with polymer coated iron sheets suspended below, or other common coated objects. The objective is to test how humidity can be controlled inside an enclosed yet also relatively open space. Moreover, without interfering with the viewing experience and also without causing people to slip and fall, humidity is added to speed up the corrosion process on the metal and for rust marks to manifest and change throughout the short period of the exhibition. The rust that then drips down due to the force of gravity then becomes a carrier that proves the accrual of time.
.鏽液採集 Collecting of Rust Liquid
2022,白膠、鐵鏽、食鹽 white glue, rust, table salt
白膠在濕度的變化中介於白色與透明的「隱藏」特性 ,乾燥之後同時如皮膜般質感,往往是附著於主體用完即丟的中介材料,在此用來收集「掉漆溫室」剩下的鏽液。