交個朋友吧 Square Relationship

Collaboration with Jacqueline Sim
2018 複合媒材:郵件包裹、口香糖、水果,動畫影片等等  
Mixed Medium : Postages, Chewing Gum, Fruits, Animation..etc



「星光計畫」:1975年新加坡總理李光耀與台灣當時行政院長蔣經國簽署 了一項秘密的軍事交流與合作計畫。計畫內容就是讓新加坡部隊在「星光演習」的代號 下 到台灣進行軍事訓練。 

Inspired by the ‘Project Starlight’ between Singapore and Taiwan, the work reflects the present that ceased to a point of transition from the past to the future. A relationship between two countries becoming swayed by a third party, evidently portray in the incident where Singapore nine armored troop carriers were intercepted in Hong Kong.

Akin to the chewing gum slogan: Let’s make a friend, this project is a friendly exchange where Singapore artist (Jacqueline Sim) and Taiwan artist (Yung-Chih Lee) send items through legal postages to each other - slipping through the seepage between permitted and restricted, constraint and possibilities. 

‘Project Starlight’ is a military agreement made in 1975 between Singapore’s late prime minister Lee Kuan Yew and Taiwan’s then premier Chiang Ching-Kuo. In the recent years the project has been under close scrutiny from China. 

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